Ronn Cort

“Just a shout out and recommendation about NEXT LEVEL Partners®, LLC. I’ve worked with “Lean” consultants throught my career. Not many of them can successfully integrate the “people” and the “process” well. NLP Practitioners understand and skillfully communicates that implementation of the Toyota Production System (TPS) practices is as much “culture” as it is “deliverable.” Not one or the other, it’s both. During a SMED event at Dunmore’s site, I was able to speak with many of the team members working with our Lean Practitioner. Not only did he skillfully explain the techniques and processes of a SMED event, he wove the Kaizen cultural element into the team members. The team is beginning to understand that Kaizen is a relentless improvement toward an ideal state. It is not only continuous improvement events – it is a “flow” where we all work on improvement (BEHAVIORS) that positively impact key business measures (KPIs) all the time! I rarely make a recommendation like this, but if you are in search of a firm to help drive not only the PERFORMANCE side of your business, but also the PEOPLE side, I can’t give a better recommendation than NLP”.

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