Continuous Improvement = Lean Transformation

Continuous Improvement = lean transformation logo

First impressions are important. Associates who are introduced to Lean concepts for the very first time often have some misconceptions of what Lean is all about. They think that creating standard work will take away their creativity on the job. They fear that becoming Lean means they will have to work harder. And they believe Lean only applies to manufacturing in the plants.

After participating in their first kaizen, associates typically change their minds about Lean. They see how it can help them do their jobs easier and faster. They see waste in its many forms all throughout their current work processes. They understand how critically important it is to go to gemba. And they leave the event energized with a clear vision of how they will serve customers better through their new process.

NEXT LEVEL Partners introduces Lean to hundreds of new associates each and every week. We create disciples who carry the message of continuous improvement throughout the organization.

If you would like to learn how to create a culture of continuous improvement in your organization, contact us at

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