At NEXT LEVEL Partners®, LLC, we help our clients solve big operational problems. We change the way our clients think about how they do their work. And we consistently deliver results.

NEXT LEVEL Partners facilitates a “learn-by-doing” approach through implementation of a Lean Business System model tailored to a client’s specific needs. This builds a top-talent organization, driving near-term results improvement, and ongoing sustainable competitive advantage.

An engagement with NEXT LEVEL Partners typically follows a five-step cadence:

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Our first step is to meet with you on site or virtually to understand strategic needs. We seek to understand the specific problem you’re looking to solve.  In addition, we assess your current financial, operational and commercial performance so that we understand how the current problem fits into your overall business situation. 

Often we perform a complementary site visit. We walk your process and continue to understand your challenges and how our tool set can make quick and lasting process improvements through Lean transformation applied to your operational, commercial, or financial activities. 

We quantify the potential improvements to determine the ‘size of the prize’ available to you through transformation. We will provide a written proposal and offer case study examples of how we have helped similar firms in your industry.

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Once we agree to partner, we charter an initial scope and objectives to address your current challenge. We jointly determine how we will measure success. We discuss how to bring lean thinking and lean leadership into everything you do.

We ensure the initiative is properly tied to your strategic objectives and how the results will be visible in your P&L. 

Key leadership and team members for the initial project are identified and resourced to support the engagement.

We are adept at conducting events on a virtual basis, allowing you to capture the expertise of associates in multiple regions, leading to the best possible outcomes.

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Typically, we start with a Value Stream Mapping assessment to establish a documented end-to-end view of the current state activities. This event includes a cross-functional representation of associates who are at gemba doing the specific work activities. We jointly envision a future state that minimizes waste and rework. We develop a prioritized roadmap to deliver the future state process.

We execute process transformation kaizen events at a pace suited for your organization. As we Kaizen, we train your associates in the Lean tools and principles to so that your teams can independently continue on their continuous improvement journey after our engagement concludes.

We ensure the new processes stick through introducing Lean Daily Management techniques including KPIs, gemba walks, and root cause problem solving that ensures the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle is complete.

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We step back and watch, coach, and support your teams as they demonstrate their new skills and operate in their new processes. We provide guidance as your associates gain an even deeper understanding of how the Lean techniques deliver sustained operational improvements.

We understand that continuous improvement requires change management. Our practitioners have years of experience coaching teams through the cycle of change. They understand that associates demonstrate new skills at different paces and adjust their coaching accordingly.

Through our work, we raise the leadership capability and Lean competency of your team. To transfer our knowledge, we offer Executive Lean and Lean Leader formal training for your management and front-line teams. We also offer subject matter expert (SME) certification in Lean tools so your team can continue on your Lean journey long after our engagement is complete.

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Once the new process is delivering results, we help you roll it out beyond the pilot area. As associates in other areas adopt the new process, we are available to train, coach, and support these additional associates. We help you create Lean Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) that stretch the reach of the process improvement to additional facilities.

And once we have celebrated your success, we identify the next priority for business process transformation in the Lean journey to meet your strategic goals.

Contact Us

Manufacturing Practice Leader

1-877-NLP-Lean (657-5326)

2338 Immokalee Road, Suite 415
Naples, FL 34110

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